Wootton Academy Trust is a part of the Enterprise Advisor network, which is delivered by SEMLEP in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company. Through this we have a dedicated Enterprise Advisor, linked with Wootton Upper School and Kimberley College to support us in developing our Careers and Enterprise provision.
How employers can help
We aim to help every student to reach their full potential and progress on to a successful destination by providing them with the widest possible range of employer and careers related opportunities. This can only be achieved with the help and support of those around us, including employers and alumni.
Each year we receive support from over 70 employers attending events in school / college and an additional 200+ employers for our Year 12 work experience programme.
The trust seeks to actively engage employers in the development and delivery of careers provision. We appreciate that your time is precious and we would value your contribution whatever this may be. Here are some examples of how an employer could get involved in careers activities:
· Send a representative to our ‘speed networking’ event with Year 9 students (spring term) giving small groups of students an insight into your job
· Provide a ‘careers insight’ talk or workshop to students on your career sector
· Send a representative to act as an interviewer / assessor at a mock interview or mock assessment centre event
· Attend our large and popular Careers Convention to promote your industry and employment opportunities – December
· Sponsor our Careers Convention which attracts over 60 exhibitors and 1200 visitors
· Host a workplace visit for a small group of students (1 hour)
· Host a Year 12 work experience student for a week (July)
· Linking with a relevant Head of Subject in school/college to co-produce a ‘workplace’ task resource to support careers/employability within the curriculum, bringing real world context to a particular topic.
The above list is not exhaustive, if you have any further ideas of how you could support our CEIAG programme please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Yvonne Ashby, Head of Careers, yashby@wootton.beds.sch.uk
We are particularly keen to engage with any of your employees who are also alumni of either Wootton Upper School or Kimberley College.